GDPR compliance information


Due to our activities, we handle personal data. There is no other way. However, we understand the sensitivity of your data and fully respect your right to privacy. We protect your data and undertake not to disclose it in any way to third parties.

UBS Liberec s.r.o. has implemented measures to comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter referred to as GDPR).

As part of a broad analysis of all the areas in which we handle personal data, we have defined the purposes for which we process and store this data and compared the results with the legal titles that determine the legitimacy or obligation to archive the selected data. We have drawn up the necessary internal documentation containing precise rules on the handling of personal data, which our company’s employees follow. The documentation sets out how we handle, process and protect the personal data of the data subject (natural persons) and regulates the responsibilities of the employees who handle the personal data. The documentation also sets out the exact procedure and time limits for erasure of personal data.

Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data

An individual has the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data.

For withdrawal of consent just send an email to the email address and state in it the specific withdrawal of consent.

Example: I withdraw my consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of sending newsletters and commercial communications (newsletter).

The right to be forgotten

An individual has the right to be forgotten (erasure of personal data from all databases).

About the deletion of personal data can be requested by email to the following email address

The right to be forgotten is available to the data subject (natural person) at any time, and erasure is carried out for all personal data that are not subject to another legal obligation.

Example: the legal obligation is, for example, to keep and archive accounts, this period is 10 years. We also have to archive the personnel records of our employees and cannot delete them.